BBC World. My only regularly available English language television programming comes from BBC World, the commercially supported satellite channel owned by the BBC. (In case you don’t know, typical BBC programming in the UK is commercial free.) BBC started this channel partly because it made sense—why let CNN be the world’s only satellite channel news voice? I’m happy to have the channel but BBC World has undue content repetition—a limited menu of feature programs that are repeated excessively and a limited number of news stories that receive coverage in a newscast. For my money, CNN International (which I believe is far superior to the CNN service seen in the U.S.) offers a better programming mix. Even the commercials on BBC World are repetitive. I’ve counted about a dozen individual sponsors over several consecutive days and the typical sponsor has one version of the spot that airs. A spot break contains only one or two actual commercials followed by promos and graphic/music promo bumpers. I do watch English language programming on the Montenegro channels. Sometimes it carries subtitles. Other times, it’s in English with no subtitle.
I don’t think I’m overly critical of BBC World because it’s my only English language channel. I’ve felt this way for years. I will add: they do a first rate job on the reports and programs that do air.
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